[plug] Install-fest anyone.

Matthew Tippett mtippett at linuxsa.org.au
Thu Jul 2 10:09:01 WST 1998

I assumed that I had already reached most LUGs.

But in case not...

LinuxSA origanally planned an installfest on August 15
this year.  I thought it might be useful to get other
LUGs to have one on the same date. So we can capitalise
on national advertising, etc.

If your LUG is interested in participating then could an
active person (or two) subscribe to auslug at linuxsa.org.au
(Send a mail to auslug-request at linuxsa.org.au with SUBSCRIBE
in the SUBJECT to subscibe). And join on in the national aspects
of organisation.

I am not pushing for a clone of the LinuxSA installfest
everywhere. Just looking at getting a couple of good
promotional activities going, and possibly a certian
amount of commonality, and also possibly some interactive

But anyway, USQ, LUV, HUMBUG, LinuxSA and possibly SLUG 
are looking at having one on August 15.  

Feel free to join in, you can basically have your
own installfest, but pick up people who listen to national



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