[plug] Clone Cyclades almost

Leon Brooks leonb at ami.com.au
Mon Jul 13 09:55:18 WST 1998

tony at ballist.net.au wrote:
> Well after a lot of swearing and the offer of a trip around Perth around
> 10PM I finally got this sucker broken in.

> Firsly the card is actually a PCCOM 8 port RISC card.  Well made little
> card and cheap.  The docs suck big time and once you realise they have
> hacked the cyclades driver, you will still have problems as there driver
> doesn't work quite right either.  Then what devices they tell you to make
> is wrong.

> In the end, it all turns out very simple to get it running.  A decent half
> pager and the correct driver would it.  I guess it would be an idea to put
> things like this on ftp.linux.org.au....Gary???

There is already such a thing on ftp://ftp.smileys.net/linux because I
also installed one of these horrid little suckers.

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