[plug] Does anyone know how to change bulk filenames...

David Buddrige David.Buddrige at optum.com.au
Mon Jul 13 10:43:19 WST 1998

Hi Guys,

I dunno if this sounds like a stupid question, but I am wanting to change
bulk file-names and cannot figure out how to do it... 

in dos for instance, if I had a bunch of files such as:


then the command

ren *.txt *.doc

would change everything with a .txt extension to have a .doc extension...

have tried a number of combinations using rm to facilitate the same result,
but cannot figure out how to do this?  can someone give me a hand?

Also, does anyone know of a linux based file-management tool similar to
windoze explorer or win 3.11 file-manager?  


David Buddrige

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