[plug] "Donations" required for library...

hellraiser4 hr4 at aceonline.com.au
Mon Jul 13 17:23:42 WST 1998

At 16:16 13/07/98 +800, you wrote:
>If anyone out there has a CD of software they wish to contribute to an 
>"un-offical" PLUG CD library could they bring them along tommorow night, 
>I will grab a copy on the spot.
>What I propose is the following:
>a) All software must either be "Freeware" or "Shareware"
>b) Borrowing a CD requires a deposit of $10
>c) Return of a CD results in a refund of $9 (difference to cover 
>   obselecence).
>d) There is no time limit on borrowings - if you like it, keep it!
>When we have a paid-up membership system, reduce deposit to $5 for members 
>(with full refund). Only one borrowing per member on this scheme.
>I am donating a box of 10 blank CDs to the library get things moving. What 
>I would really like to lay my hands on would be a copy of StarOffice.
>Current request list (changes welcomed):
>a) StarOffice
>b) KDE                      (bundle this with StarOffice?)
>c) RedHat 5.1 (AXP)         [I have a copy of this]
>d) Graphics utils           (ready for the GIMP talk)
POVRAY.. perhaps? (3d rendering thingo www.povray.com)
>e) ???????                  (suggestions anyone)
some audio apps, window managers etc etc

>One of the machines that I will be bringing for the talk tommorow will be 
>equiped with a CD-R. I really do not want to turn the tea/coffee 
>discussion into a bazaar (UWA is the place for this) but I would like to 
>kick this off ASAP.
>David Campbell
>PS: I must be careful or else whenever I come to UWA my machine will be 
>dedicated to burning CDs. If it helps someone, I don't mind (as long as 
>they don't break my hardware).
>campbell at torque.net
>"All parallel ports are equal - Some are more equal than others"

just my two cents worth


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