[plug] mail delay

David Campbell campbell at gear.torque.net
Tue Jul 14 08:54:38 WST 1998

> Date:          Mon, 13 Jul 1998 08:08:55 +0800 (WST)
> From:          Ian Kent <ian at q-net.net.au>
> To:            plug at linux.org.au
> Subject:       Re: [plug] mail delay
> Reply-to:      plug at linux.org.au

> On Mon, 13 Jul 1998, David Campbell wrote:
> > direct connect network. Sendmail has options for a dial-out setup (only 
> > dial when there is either n messages in the queue or x hours have passed).
> Tell me more. I haven't seen those options in the README (cf)
> Are there some instructions somewhere for configs that you know of ???

I have lost my access to "my" HP (graduation does that).

I will have to try and dig the info up...

David Campbell
campbell at torque.net

"All parallel ports are equal - Some are more equal than others"

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