[plug] wierd virtual domain problem

Peter Caffin pc at it.net.au
Sat Nov 7 11:37:23 WST 1998


I wrote that last message apparently on the 29 October.. 
This is a new installation of Debian (my old system was Slackware) and 
I haven't yet automated a call to 'ntpdate -u www.it.net.au' yet into my
dialin script. Mea culpa ;).

--:     _         ___  _    _ _
 _oo__ |_|_ |__  _ |  |  _ |_|_' _  pc at it dot net dot a u |
//`'\_ | (/_|(/_| .|. |_(_|| | || |            it.net.au/~pc |
/                    PO Box 869, Hillarys WA 6923, AUSTRALIA |

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