[plug] Tuesday Venue Options

Matt Kemner zombie at networx.net.au
Mon Nov 9 14:26:07 WST 1998

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Leon Brooks wrote:

>     [_] Fast Eddy's      (close to DEC, central, public, no net)
>     [X] Global Warriors  (private, big venue, net, good for northern
> suburbs)
>     [_] Blue Note        (semi-private, close, central, might be bad for
> e.g. younger members, no net)
>     [_] Curtin           (private, net, drinks, maybe OHP or whatever,
> good for southern suburbs)

My Vote:
     [X] Global Warriors  (private, big venue, net, good for northern

One note: although Global Warriors is wired up with cat 5, it does not
have any PCs, so don't expect to be able to use the 'net tomorrow night
unless you're bringing your own PC.. :)  GW would be good for bazaar type

 - Matt

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