[plug] AGM, part 1

Gavin Tweedie tweedie at nw.com.au
Thu Nov 12 08:13:01 WST 1998

Something tells me we wont have any shortage of machines to use as servers<grin>

um, I'm not sure on the hubs side of things - but theres plenty of ISP
people on this list who can prolly find one or two lying around (I know I
can possibly grab one or two 16 port hubs (non switched)).

> After Ian had put down the requisite number of Hahn Ices and I had
> shocked our more conservative members by ordering pure calories in the
> form of a Chocolate American, some discussion ensued.

Wish I could have made it, tuesdays are very bad for me - have to work.

> how can we lose? (-: As Tony understands the rules, there are no age
> limits. There might not even be a sanity clause...

If my memory serves me correctly minors and the like are not allowed to be
on the board (or the like) of a company or organisation. (We can't sign
legal documents or contracts or anything like that)

Last day of school for me! - exams next week crap

Ah well...

Cyas at the next meeting.


-Netway Technologies

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