[plug] New library rules (and costs)

David Campbell campbell at torque.net
Mon Nov 16 07:18:58 WST 1998

The PLUG "library" is undergoing a bit of a 
reorganisation. This is due to me (the current 
libarian) wishing to keep a "hard copy" of a 
distribution which will become out of date within 6 
months. Basically the situation is as follows:

a)	The library will keep one master copy of most
   freeware distributions (possibly older versions as
b)	At the nights of UCC meeting I will bring along my
   machine, an external CD-R drive and a PCI SCSI card
   for people to borrow. A small donation will be
   required to cover costs (see below).
c)	You may copy anything you like EXCEPT comercial 
   release software and music CDs (direct duplication).
   There is nothing to stop you from borrowing the PCI
   SCSI card to burn a backup of those 500MB of mpegs
   that you have downloaded and currently chewing up
   HDD space.
d) Profits (if any) will go towards some good reference 
   guides. Perhaps the Samba bible (I can not remember
   its proper title) would be useful to have for people
   to borrow.

                       Member     Non-Member
   Blank CD               $3         $3
   CD Burn (per disk)     $1         $2
   Pre-Order              $5         $5

Pre-order means that you drop me an email saying you 
would like a copy of xyz, I make a copy prior to the 
meeting. The cost involved is to cover my time. 

Therefore for the case of BYO blank it could be as 
cheap a $1. Mind you if you mess up you will have a 
nice drink coaster.

Suggestions and comments anyone?

David Campbell
campbell at torque.net

Check http://www.torque.net/parport for all Linux
parallel port solutions.

Current project list:
a) Maintain Linux ZIP drivers (need to update docs)
b) Get to the bottom of rumors of a third ZIP interface
c) Create Linux chipset specific parport drivers

Any assistance to clearing this list most welcome

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