[plug] Aopen graphics card: VideoRAM

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Thu Apr 1 10:23:40 WST 1999

Rick (VK6EP) wrote:
> The card has a sis6326 chipset. The Linux software tells me this is
> supported, but will not properly recognize the card. For example, it has
> the pa50 on it's menu but will only recognize it as having 1mb of ram. It
> has in fact got 8mb.

Add the line "VideoRAM=8192" to your XF86Config in the Device section
that defines your video card.

Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to
that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you
had been 
would have appeared to them to be otherwise.           -- The Duchess in

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