[plug] star office

Rick (VK6EP) rickd at iinet.net.au
Sat Apr 3 09:51:10 WST 1999

OK, leave it with me. I'll find the CD it's on and get a copy made. Then,
you can pick it up in Perth, where I work. Be a lot easier, perhaps??

May take a few days, so hope you aren't in a hurry.

At 08:31  02/04/99 +0800, you wrote:
>Rick (VK6EP) wrote:
>> Im up in Quinns Rocks but ill go anywheres :)!
>regardz Desiree
>> What suburb are you in?? I have a copy of star office 5.
>> At 05:33 02/04/99 +0800, you wrote:
>> >>>>
>>      Does anyone know how I can get a copy of star office?
>>      I have registered with them and have started to d/l on a few
occasions but I cant conect long enough to complete the task and i am using
up bandwith for nothing......
>>      I have a cd burner soIi can put it on cd ,,
>>      I am willing to help out in any way I can in return
>>      regardz
>>      Desiree (zed) -- 
>>      De Profoundis ad Lucem
>>      Out Of the Depths and into the Light.....
>> <<<<
>> Cheers
>> Rick
>> E=Mail - rickd at iinet.net.au
>> Home Page - http://opera.iinet.net.au/~rickd/index.html


E=Mail    - rickd at iinet.net.au
Home Page - http://opera.iinet.net.au/~rickd/index.html

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