[plug] Intercepting Default Beep

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Wed Apr 7 04:23:08 WST 1999

Mike Holland wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Trevor Phillips wrote:
> > I was thinking something more generic, so all apps that beep are
> > affected.
> How do the console and X-server beep the speaker? I cant find any
> reference to a beep/speaker device. A device would be the logical way.
> Nor can I see a specialised system call (though that would be ugly.)

> Anyone?

That's me. (-:

X does actually have a "beep" call. I think you can also set tone and
duration. Console apps use:

#define beep() putchar('\a')


>  but X doesnt support any other sound, despite being horridly bloated.

Weeeell... sound is not part of the _core_ X spec, but there are these

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