[plug] re; path settings
John Summerfield
summer at os2.ami.com.au
Thu Aug 5 09:44:12 WST 1999
> On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Jon L. Miller wrote:
> > I'm not too sure if Linux even have this, but I'm looking for a way to
> > set a path statement in RH6 and to maintain that statement when I telnet
> > into the box.
> When you say "maintain" do you mean you want the same path regardless of
> whether you are at the console or telnetting in? In that case, just man
> <shell of choice> and see what .files get executed when you login or
> telnet in. Edit the path assignment line in those files. (at least one of
> them should have one)
> If you want to set your $PATH on one box, then telnet to another box and
> magically have the same $PATH, then refer to the previous response, but be
> sure the abovementioned files don't override anything.
In RHL you also get to tamper with PATH (and other environment variables)
(for all users) in /etc/profile.d. A good place for customising - stuff in
there is less likely to get run over by the next upgrade; it's less likely
to break scripts already in place - if you do a good job of stuffing
things up in bash initialisation scripts, fixing it could get tricky.
John Summerfield
http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
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