[plug] xterm and xterm-color

Greg Gamble gregg at maths.uwa.edu.au
Thu Aug 5 13:58:43 WST 1999

According to Trevor Phillips:
> My normal desktop (KDE) has XTerms (KVT) with terminal type
> "xterm-color", and certain console apps give colour.
> However, when I telnet to remote hosts, I often get something along
> the lines of:
> tcsh: No entry for terminal type "xterm-color"
> tcsh: using dumb terminal settings.

Hi Trevor,

  With a Debian install we found our xterms had terminal type: xterm-debian
with similar whinges when telneting to remote hosts. The solution for us was to
modify /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm so that:

       XTerm.termName: xterm

I expect you will either have to edit a similar /etc file or the
appropriate app-defaults file.

  Greg Gamble <gregg at maths.uwa.edu.au>

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