[plug] So what are the alternatives apart from Netscape.

blockley at environ.wa.gov.au blockley at environ.wa.gov.au
Wed Aug 11 14:26:49 WST 1999

Currently I don't think there is a lot on offer.  I use Netscape and
put up with it falling over occasionally.  To be honest it seems to
fall over less than Windows did - but maybe that is my memory playing
trick - I don't do Windows much these days.

I am hoping that Mozilla will continue and eventually deliver a decent
browser.  I recently downloaded M8 and it is showing promise but still
has a way to go yet.  One of its problems is that hackers do not seem
to have got behind the project in the same way they have got behind the
way they have got behind other open source projects.  Currently there
does not seem to be a lot of movement in Linux browser projects.  Maybe
people were hanging back to see what happened after some big names left
the Mozilla project.  Maybe people are happy with what we have now.

Just out of interest what other browsers do people use?


On 11 Aug, Michael Hunt wrote:
> Leon,
> So if I want:
> 1. A decent browser that can support frames, tables, Java, graphics etc. (Ok
> Lynx has a place but not for this purpose)
> 2. Doesn't take up whole chunks of memory (23 meg on my 96 meg "server"
> machine at home)
> 3. Doesn't crash all the time (Though cleaning up a core dump is easier than
> having to do a reboot)
> What are the alternatives.
> As far as I can see there are none. (But I could just be plain ignorant of
> what is out there)

Adrian Blockley (blockley at environ.wa.gov.au) |       Westralia Square,
Department of Environmental Protection       |       141 St George's Tce
Ph:  61 8 9222 7165			     |       Perth 6000
Fax: 61 8 9321 5184 			     |

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