[plug] PORNO and our internet

Subba Rao subb3 at ibm.net
Mon Aug 16 08:37:28 WST 1999

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:49:15 +0800 (WST), Mike Holland wrote:

>On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, John Menzies wrote:
>> industry.  Sure it reflects demand and it is profitable but I bet that the 
>> public execution of Christians and lion feeding would also be popular if 
>> the population was suitably educated.
>John, please read that again. What point is that 'logic' supposed to make?
>"A is B, and C is B also. C is bad so ..."
>> Participation in the industry is exploitative of the participants in 
>It can be harmful to participants, but the shoe industry probably treats
>its workers a lot worse. Does that make shoes bad?
Child labor IS NOT EQUAL TO Child Pornography. The folks who exchange
pictures via email, are not exchanging kids pictures on the beach but in various,
revealing sexual positions. Scanners and video capture cards do make it easy for
them to do it. Civil liberties are important, but there is a limit after which it is
impossible to tolerate.

I am just as furious as John, but don't know how to contribute to stop this type
of digital crime. One hacker in the US, hacks into ISP's computers and if he does
find any prono (adult or child) he reports them to the police. In either case, there
is no resistence from the pronographer nor the ISP nor the police. He is a bit of a
cult hero. Don't remember the hacker's name.

Porno magazines are enough. Porno videos, again pushing hard on to the public.
Now, Porno Internet. Please give me a break. Enough is enough.

Subba Rao
subb3 at ibm.net
Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself.


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