[plug] vmware on kde (was telnet on Mandrake)

Garth Atkinson garth at cclinic.com.au
Tue Dec 7 16:10:07 WST 1999

Run the top program in a terminal window

Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> Hi Michael,
>     there is 192 meg main memory with 64 allocated within vware to win98 and
> vmware itself using 96 meg.  Ran ok, if somewhat slower than my K6-1/200
> windows machine when i was running redhat5.2 with windowmaker.  Now its
> extreemly slow, as is anything running under kde.  Is it possible there is
> something wrong with this setup?  Are there some simple benchmarks that can run
> under, say console, in a terminal under kde and windowmaker in order to see
> where the problem lies?  Also are you using kde or another window manager?
> BillK

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