[plug] Accessing multiple Samba shares

Ian Kent ian.kent at pobox.com
Tue Dec 28 08:42:54 WST 1999

Subba Rao wrote:

> I have defined 2 shares in my smb.conf. When I try to access these
> shares from the NT box, I can access only USER1 home directory. For USER2,
> I always get the login dialog. I have used smbpasswd to add USER2, but still
> can't access it. How do I access USER2 account too?

I see you have declared shares for the users. That should not needed at all?
Only the [homes] share is needed to provide home directories.

Do both user Ids exist on the Unix box?
Are you sure that the password being passed to the Samba server is correct?

   ,-._|\    Ian Kent
  /      \   Perth, Western Australia
  *_.--._/   E-mail: ian.kent at pobox.com
        v    Web: http://pobox.com/~ian.kent

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