[plug] Trouble with LILO....

Dale Baker spud at wantree.com.au
Sun Feb 7 23:13:02 WST 1999

At 08:41  7/02/99 +0800, you wrote:

I have 98, NT and RH 5.2 installed across 2 IDE drives here with system
commander, although you I'll have to buy it its well worth the money imo
and will solve the booting problems.

>jon kitchin wrote:
>> some SCSI disks fail with the LI...
>> the word "linear" is meant to tell the LILO program
>> that the HDD is using LBA which is short for
>> linear block addressing
>> it doesn't seem to be needed for IDE HDDs
>> not sure what you are using
>I'm just using 2 IDE Hard-drives... no scsi at all... 8-(... thanks though...

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Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until
            we use the ones we have?!?


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