[plug] Man pages

Rob Hall rob at hcm.iinet.net.au
Tue Feb 16 09:41:16 WST 1999

As I mailed on the weekend, the package that SuSE uses to turn man pages into
http is htdig.  Here's what the setup mailed to me after I installed the

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: SuSEconfig: htdig-notify
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:09:44 +0800
From: root <root at hcm.octopus>

Fulltext Search Capability and Central Documentation Server
Starting with S.u.S.E. Linux 5.2 two new packages have been integrated
with the distribution:
  * dochost for using a central server for the documentation
  * htdig for fulltext searching
If used in conjunction you have the capability to allow centralized
access to the full set of documentation available with
S.u.S.E. Linux with the additional ability to do fulltext searches.
The documentation is comprised of the S.u.S.E. Linux Online Help System
including man pages, HOWTOs etc.
The clients no longer have to store documentation locally, meaning
less disk space is needed.
ht://Dig adds easy-to-use fulltext search capability to that.
Using ht://Dig is possible for non-networked installations, too.
Requirements for the documentation server
The following packages should be installed:
  * documentation from series doc
  * A web-server, either apache or apassl from series n
  * rman/series n
  * dochost/series n
  * htdig/series n
You can just run a documentation server without clients to use the
fulltext search engine locally.
Requirements for the clients
  * dochost/series n
  * a web-browser, e.g. netscape/series n

It actually works very well.


Rob Hall

Heights Computer Management

"Making computers work for you."

Ph  9342 2664
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