[plug] Re: [nul]
Bob Ogden
bob at contact.omen.com.au
Tue Jan 5 18:10:40 WST 1999
I see a role for ComputerBank in acting as a front end for the collection
of machines for these organisations.
It appears that United Way sees the computers its collected as very much a
side light to its activities( which is fair enough too, the sick and
homeless need care and shelter before computers ) while TADWA appears to
be focused on physical enablement alone.
Meanwhile Computer Bank can act in a unified way to collect and refurbish
leaving the distribution to these and similar organisations( who have a
better handle on the needs of the community). IE, David's idea about
becoming a specialist service provider to social service organisations,
leaving each to their own in terms of expertise.
In <Pine.OSF.4.02.9901051613300.28154-100000 at cygnus.uwa.edu.au>, on
at 04:29 PM,((WST) GMT)
Grant Malcolm <gmalcolm at cygnus.uwa.edu.au> said:
> There are a number of other organisations collecting and distributing
> 2nd hand computers to a range of needy groups and individuals. (Check
> out http://www.cybernet.net.au/UnitedWay/abrolhos.html)
> Two that I know of are:
> United Way
> united at opera.iinet.net.au
> http://www.cybernet.net.au/UnitedWay
> and
> Technical Aids to the Disabled WA (TADWA)
> 9379 3733
> I really know nothing of the way in which either of these organisations
> operate but I imagine it would be worth contacting them both with a view
> to sharing resources and preventing duplication of effort. (David,
> Oliver?) I do know that TADWA was looking for volunteers to assist with
> the operation of their free computer "loan" service. Both organisations
> may be ignorant of the cost benefits and other advantages of Linux
> systems.
> Cheers
> Grant
> ------------------------------------------------
> visit the Independent Theatre Association
> on the INTERNET
> http://cygnus.uwa.edu.au/~gmalcolm/ita
> ------------------------------------------------
/-- Bob Ogden bob at contact.omen.com.au --------------/
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