[plug] Windowmaker

Matt Kemner zombie at networx.net.au
Fri Jan 29 12:06:26 WST 1999

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Rob Hall wrote:

>  When running WindowMaker from xdm, how do I set it so that any user can shut
> down the machine. 

There's a little X app out there that has 2 buttons, reboot & shutdown,
for exactly this purpose, however I can't remember where I saw it atm - I
will track it down and report if I find it.

> The only way that I can think of is to run a script that su to root then calls
> the shudown.  The problem with that is they then need to enter root's password.

For scripts such as this, have a look at "sudo" - you can give limited
admin rights to semi-trusted people. (For example at Networx all the staff
have access to adduser/expire user/change password etc. but only a select
few have access to the root password)

> I tried making ctl-alt-del into shutdown -h now in /etc/inittab but xdm appears
> to disable ctl-alt-del.

As Bevan suggested, control-alt-Fn followed by control-alt-del will do the
trick.. We used to do that all the time at uni.. (and wished everyone else
knew that trick because most people, including some of the CS staff, used
to just hit reset to reboot (in order to get to NT) and we'd have to wait
ages for fscks to complete.

 - Matt

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