[plug] CIV: Call to Power - caution.

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Thu Jul 1 12:02:04 WST 1999

I love Quake and was pleased to hear of another commercial game
for Linux, but sought advice first. Here is the response:

Civilisation II: Call to power is apparently a bit of a disappointment -
really bad user interface apparently. Civilisation 2 (the original) is
really good (I've played it a lot) but doesn't have multiplayer (apart
from a hacked version).

The guys that did Civ 2: The original left and formed their own company
called Firaxis, and created a game called Alpha Centauri - a
futuristic/sci-fi version of Civilisation. It's much better than Call to
Power and does proper mutiplayer (up to 7 players). I've got it and played
it a bit but it's very complex and and time-consuming to play - a
multiplayer game would probably make Risk seem fast. It does turn-based
play-by-email, which might be good fun if we didn't mind spending months
on a single game.

There were many legal battles over the "Civilisation" name but they've now
been resolved and Firaxis are working on Civilisation III which should be
worth buying going on their past efforts.


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