[plug] RH 6 upgrade kills X

Bob Ogden bob at contact.omen.com.au
Sun Jul 18 11:02:57 WST 1999

In <Pine.LNX.4.10.9907181131250.7290-100000 at salween.golden.wattle.id.au>,
on 18/Jul/99 
   at 11:34 AM,((WST) GMT)
Mike Holland <myk at golden.wattle.id.au> said:

> > working before the upgrade (honest!)... Enlightenment on why this would
> > occur would be appreciated.

> /tmp permissions.

Ah, but why would the permissions be suddenly wrong? I have _not_ been
playing with perm's and in particular I would not have been stuffing
around with perm's on that dir. But then again I appear to be singular in
the problem (as there was no great flood of complaints when RH6 came out)
it's obviously something peculiar to my system :(.

Anyway, nukeing the dir fixed it :> so I'm happy again. Thanks very much
for the help ( in discoverying what was in front of my nose :).

/-- Bob Ogden  bob at contact.omen.com.au --------------/
/  -... --- -...   --- --. -.. . -.       Finger  for PGP key -----/

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