[plug] Time

Chris Griffin chrisg at doladns.dola.wa.gov.au
Wed Jul 28 13:17:22 WST 1999

I know that I can get Linux to sync it's time from an atomic clock on the 
Internet, but can anyone tell me what is available in the way of time 
server software for Linux so that I can get other servers/workstations on 
the local network to sync their time with the Linux server?

Chris Griffin

                               \\  - -  //
                                (  @ @  )
| Chris Griffin, Senior Network Engineer                |
| Email: chris_griffin at dola.wa.gov.au                   |
| Managed Information Technology Solutions (M.I.T.S)    |
| For: Department Of Land Administration (DOLA)         |
| Western Australia                                     |
| PH: +61 (08) 9273-7536  FAX: +61 (08) 9273-7694       |
I haven't lost my mind -     oooO   (   )
- it's backed up on tape    (   )    ) /
   somewhere.                 \ (    (_/

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