[plug] "Fuck" will NOT be banned. Lets have some reality.

Oliver White ojw at iinet.net.au
Wed Jun 9 17:25:46 WST 1999

The Australian government actually suggested using 'iSherrif' and annother
filtering program I can't remember. These *would* filter the word fuck, as
well as amature, leather and toys. A major point in the bill is that ISPs
must take "reasonable" measures. Most ISPs would argue that the only
reasonable measures are no measures at all. The courts may decide otherwise,
and insist on using filters that would ban the word fuck. Consider the
company that has to choose between a $27, 500 fine and blanket censorship
that goes far beyond the laws of this country. The law specificaly states
that no ISP will be liable for censoring too much.

Obviously it's unlikely that there will be any impediment to downloading the
linux kernel. The point being made is that the collateral damage to people
throught this bill is going to be big, and it's going to be scary.

Mike Holland wrote:

> Most of the reaction I have heard to the censorship legislation is
> even more ridiculous than the legislation itself.
>   Before criticising it, please take a look at how censorship currently
> applies to broadcasting. It could hardly be described as draconian.
> When was the last time a TV station or magazine was prosecuted for
> obscenity?
> > Not only will the Linux kernel be banned (like, sure the filter can read
> Read the article. At worst, such language would get an 'MA' rating,
> not that anyone would bother officially rating source code.
> There will be NO restriction of swearing. Naked women are still OK too.
> Politicians may be ignorant about the internet, but please - they are not
> complete idiots.(*) It does no good to underestimate your opponents.
> (* OK, maybe one or two exceptions. And "failure to understand basic
> economics" applies to most people.)
> Mike Holland <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>            Perth, Australia.
>                           --==--
> Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
>                 -- Rich Kulawiec

Oliver White

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