[plug] net upgrade to 6.0/runsocks

Kenworthy Family billk at opera.iinet.net.au
Wed Jun 30 09:37:04 WST 1999

Has anyone been able to upgrade to RH6.0 from RH5.2 via the iinet mirror
using a network upgrade.
1) how long did it take - interested in time using a 33600 modem
2) approx. how much data is involved (Mbytes)
3) any problems

or is it better to wipe the disk and start again via cd (needs a clean
out anyway).  I have quite a few months worth of add-ons that I will
have to reinstall but am a bit wary of upgrade versus reinstall.

Also, has anyone been able to use the "runsocks" script with wine, it
core dumps every time I try (and with any other app I have tried) - the
libsocks.conf file looks ok and points to the socks server.


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