[plug] Kit & Kaboodle ...

Trevor Phillips phillips at central.murdoch.edu.au
Mon Mar 1 13:42:04 WST 1999

*tap tap tap* Testing 1 2 3 ...
(Is this thing on?)

(Why do Majordomo list greetings never tell you WHAT the address to the
list is??)

Greetings! I see from the PLUG Mail Archive David's already forwarded my
other E-Mail to the list, but this is still an introduction of sorts.

I'm the Webmeister at Murdoch Uni, and have dabbled in UNIX since early
UNI days (ie; since about 1992). I've had jobs dealing with HP's and
Sun's, and I've experimented with Linux over the years, but never to any
great depth. I have a Linux box at home acting as IP Masq gateway for my
Lan, but up until now my Linux has been just dabbling.

I've been following some of the developments in the Linux world, and it
was recently that I found out that not only was KDE out, but there was a
Solaris packaged version! One thing led to another (Solaris KDE -> Linux
+ KDE), and now I'm attempting to seriously use a Linux box as my
primary workspace. Things have been going OK (amazing how at home one
feels once MP3's are playing, and ICQ is online), but I'm still

So I have a few queries about a myriad of Linux and UNIX things (most of
which I think I've now forgotten since starting this email. ^_^;;;).

X and Backspace:

First, to reiterate what David forwarded, I'm trying to set up an
environment where someone can boot Linux on a PC via an NFS-Root scheme,
and then via X -query connect to central UNIX boxes (of the HP flavour).
This is to be used by complete newbies (ie; people who barely know what
a PC is, let alone UNIX), and the biggest hiccup at this stage is the
old Backspace problem.

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