[plug] lilo error

David Buddrige david.buddrige at mitswa.com.au
Wed Mar 3 12:54:51 WST 1999

I think Rob is right!  

In fdisk you set one of the partitions to be "Active" or "Bootable" or somesuch - have you set this Ryan?


David Buddrige

-----Original Message-----
From:	Rob Hall [SMTP:rob at hcm.iinet.net.au]
Sent:	Wednesday, March 03, 1999 12:44 PM
To:	plug at linux.org.au
Subject:	RE: [plug] lilo error

Sounds like there is no active boot partition.


Rob Hall

Heights Computer Management
"Making computers work for you."

rhall at student.ecu.edu.au 

08 9342 2664
0414 954 068

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-plug at linux.org.au [mailto:owner-plug at linux.org.au]On Behalf
> Of Ryan Winn
> Sent: 03 March 1999 12:23
> To: plug at linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] lilo error
> hiya' david,
> >Could you send EXACTLY what you see on the screen. By the sounds of 
> >it there is no active partition on the HDD or no master boot record. 
> >Either of these two will result in a BIOS message similar to
> >"no boot device - press any key to restart".
> no it is not a bios error it just says 
> "press any key to restart"
> at the top left habd corner of the screen after the bios has detected the
> harddrives and everything.
> cheers ryan
>     -------------------------------
>     | Ryan Winn                   |
>     | ryan at penguin.net.au         |
>     | rjwinn at hotmail.com          |
>     | 20 samson st fremantle 6160 |
>     | (08) 9336 1257              |
>     -------------------------------

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