[plug] [OFF TOPIC] MS Humour...

Navarre navarre at omen.net.au
Mon Mar 8 20:15:38 WST 1999

And who can simply state that MS, that is M$, is not a disease for
computers runing at epademic proportions?


Kim Covil wrote:
> Not sure if you lot have seen this... Date is old but it the first time
> I have seen it pass by... :)
> >>From the UK edition of 'PC Week' 31 march, 1998:
> >
> >  "The residents of Silicon Valley are more confused than usual after a
> >billboard campaign by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of America.
> >  "One of the ads uses the slogan "MS: It's not a software company"
> >exploiting the fame of a certain company to draw attention to an altogether
> >worthier cause. Requests to comment on the campaign have been met by a surly
> >silence by Microsoft which doesn't relish the association of ideas, but is
> >painfully aware that it can't afford to appear insensitive over such an
> >issue.
> >  "Seasoned IT professionals will have no trouble telling the two MS's
> >apart. One is a debilitating and surprisingly widespread affliction that
> >renders the sufferer barely able to perform the simplest task. The other is
> >a disease."
> Kim
> --
> ======================================================================
> Kim Covil - Australian Geodynamics CRC   E-mail: kimc at ned.dem.csiro.au
>             CSIRO Exploration & Mining   Tel: +61 8 9284 8425   ,-_!\
>             PO Box 437, Nedlands,        Fax: +61 8 9389 1906  /     \
>             Western Australia  6009                            *_,-._/
> =================================================================== v
>    Please direct all personal e-mail to kimbotha at it.net.au


- Regards Navarre -
<navarre at omen.com.au>

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