[plug] PLUG is it inc

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Tue Mar 9 16:50:10 WST 1999

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Gavin Tweedie wrote:

> Ooops I should read the whole thing before replying....
> > On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Garry Moir wrote:
> > 
> <snip>
> > > How are we going to handle an influx of new members. Given the kerfuffle 
> > > that occured on this list following the announcement of membership fees 
> > > being due..... It is alright for those of us who are keen on Linux (and 
> > > hence keen on PLUG) to put up with this lack of information, but new 
> > > members and particularly new-to-Linux people, will not hang around for a 
> > > second bite.
> Possibly also offering a CD with membership would be a way of keeping
> people members of PLUG (ie. they get a new CD each time they renew
> (annually presumably). So it would stand as a way that we can help keep
> peoples distros reasonably up to date - remembering that almost all people
> in Perth are on modems, downloading an image/rpms/debs isnt an option.
> > > Just my two bobs' worth (I'm a pre-decimal baby).
> I'm too young to know how much two bobs is even friggin worth hahaha :)

... It seemd to me that everyone is in favour of giving a CD to new/renewing
members BUT we really need to sit down and do the maths first ... BUT all 
offers of CDR equipment are greatly appreiated (sp?).

I'd say we can come up with a reasonable list of choices ... How 'bout as we
pay our dues we nominate a CD we'd like if PLUG can afford it .... once we
have some money and some idea of what we are up for then we can decide about
CD's ???

Yours Tony.

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