[plug] PLUG is it inc

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Wed Mar 10 13:59:46 WST 1999

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, alex polglaze wrote:

> The whole notion of $10 joining fee and expecting to get free CD's etc
> appals me. If we are goint run a serious organisation and expect other
> people to join then we need to present a business like image. There are

I think you are looking for the COBOL user group.
Second door on the left.
PLUG is more casual. Some members use it for business, but you wont see
too many suits at our meetings.
  If gimmicks will get a few more members signed, why not. Chris needs the
numbers to scam the taxp^Wgovernment.

> I also doubt whether we will get any corporate members at $50 when

Gotta keep out the riff-raff somehow :)

> Let's start living in the real world.


Mike Holland <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>            Perth, Australia.

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