[plug] Attempting to install redhat 5.2 over network

David Campbell campbell at torque.net
Mon Mar 15 08:37:41 WST 1999

From:           	"Shackleton, Kevin" <kshackleton at agric.wa.gov.au>
To:             	plug at linux.org.au
Subject:        	RE: [plug] Attempting to install redhat 5.2 over network
Date sent:      	Mon, 15 Mar 1999 08:19:02 +0800
Send reply to:  	plug at linux.org.au

> Colin, Do you want to explain this a bit better?
> > ----------
> > From: 	Colin 't Hart
> > 
> > Also make sure that the IP address for the new machine has DNS name =
> > reverse DNS name otherwise the NFS server probably won't allow the
> > mount.

I think I know what he is talking about. NFS can be extremely fussy 
about the name/IP pairing at both end of the link. The actual 
connection request sends the host name of the machine and not a fully 
host.domain style. This makes NFS across subnets extremely messy, the 
following is an example of a problem trying to NFS mount disks 
between to HP-UX boxes at Curtin.

NFS Server:	death.cage.curtin.edu.au
NFS Client: tiriain.che.curtin.edu.au

Tirian would send a request to Death identifying itself as "tirian", 
Death would look at the name and perform a DNS lookup:

tirian.cage.curtin.edu.au	<no such machine>
tirian.curtin.edu.au		<no such machine>
tirian						<no such machine>

The solution was to change tirian's hostname to "tirian.che" with the 
domain name of "curtin.edu.au". Hence the request would send the 
machine name of "tirian.che" which death would add the 
"curtin.edu.au" domain as part of the searches and result in a valid 
IP lookup.

Other solutions would of been to add a tirian.cage.curtin.edu.au 
entry to DNS...

David Campbell

campbell at torque.net
Check http://www.torque.net/parport for all Linux parallel port solutions.
(also check http://www.torque.net/parport/archive/current/)
Current project list:
a) Catch up on the ZIP Plus backlog (drive back from waranty)
b) Maintain Linux ZIP drivers (need to update docs)
c) sleep
d) real life

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