[plug] Linux for Dummies

Rick (VK6EP) rickd at iinet.net.au
Tue Mar 23 20:13:28 WST 1999

Hmm, having read a few more posts, let me apologize for getting involved.

'The advice of the masses, costs nothing, and, is usually worth, just that

At 06:05  23/03/99 +0800, you wrote:
>> (and silly) to represent complex things as being simple.  Linux is not
>> for dummies.  No, not even Red Hat. :P Basically there's a big
>> difference between a book like "Microsoft Word for Dummies" which
>> encourages someone who feels like they can't cope with new technology
>> to give it a try and "Linux for Dummies" which says that any idiot can
>> come along and expect to be able to use a technologically superior,
>> sophisticated system.
>I agree 100% Christian. It tricks people into thinking that if they read
>this book then they will know all they need to use linux efficiently and
>should go and reformat their hdd immediately. While we should continue to
>encourage more people to try linux, dumping complete beginners with it
>with just a book is a definate no no, at least until gnome/kde and the
>install programs become a little more user friendly...


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