[plug] So we have lost the point (was Help overclocking celeron)

Bill G. Gruff greg at networx.net.au
Tue Mar 30 16:52:34 WST 1999

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Michael Hunt wrote:
> > Have you ever thought that maybe it's us windows users
> > who are getting Real Work Done that are superior to you.
> Tell me do you think that the system admins at Networx are not doing any
> "Real Work" even though they support and provide you with Internet services.
I know he's not. Cos I'm talking to him at the moment about how foolish
all the people who are arguing with me are.

> Are not NASA, Cisco the US Post office, Universities, Research
> institutions, the military, etc etc etc etc using Unix based solutions
> for doing "Real Work" ? 
They're all so underfunded they have to use cheap shareware software.
They'd use Windows if they could afford it.
Except the military, but they have to encrypt everything, and Unix
commands a re very difficult for an enemy to decipher.

> > I can do very complex things in windows. You can do almost anything with
> > Visual Basic, and you don't even have to know anything about programming.
> Two things about VB One its is Visual (i.e. has a graphical front end) and
> two it is Basic (easy).
Good, isn't it?

> MS want it that way so that you relied more heavily on paying them money for
> there solutions.
Microsft deserve whatever they charge for their products.
People wouldn't buy them if they weren't worth that much.

> I can write complex things in Perl, C, sed, AWK, Java etc and using some
> utilities and other people's code I can get by with out knowing anything
> about programming, but that doesn't:
> 1. Make me a programmer
> 2. Make my programs any good.

I know. That's why Visual Basic is so good, because You can write _great_
programs with it even though you don't know anything.
Much better than any of the stupid languages you mention above.

> > That's nothing. I've had an NT box that ran 12 hours a day for 3 months
> > without crashing.
> Don't you realise there are 24 hours in a day ? Some of us administer boxes
> that are mission critical and have to be up 24 hrs a day. Even a reboot can
> cost big bucks because we have brought the box done and production time has
> been lost.
So what you are saying is it is so hard to use a Linux machine you have to
use it for twice as long as a Windows machine to get the job done?
I could have told you that.

-Bill G. Gruff <Thought.Assassin at troll.no>

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