[plug] LyX/LaTeX questions

Christian christian at global.net.au
Wed Nov 3 12:42:58 WST 1999

Greg Gamble wrote:

> There's almost certainly a package that will do this ... but after a
> (very) quick perusal of the docs on my teTeX system I didn't see it
> ... here's some code that will do the trick:

Wow, thanks! :))  I've been searching through all the packages I could
find documented on CTAN and couldn't find anything that looked like it
would do it...

I've actually switched over and are now using the appendix packages so
I'm using \appendices instead of the normal \appendix. Therefore I
changed the references to \appendix in your code to \appendices and held
my breath and it worked perfectly!  Thanks so much!

Ok, so I lied -- not quite perfectly...  Two problems:

Firstly, I'm passing the 'titletoc' option to the appendix package which
puts a line in my TOC saying "List of Appendices" just before it lists
the appendices here.  The problem is that this line is being given a
number (as if it's a real page) and it's also, since I've added your
code, it is giving it a negative number (-78 instead of 78 which is the
last page of the body before the appendices begin).  Any ideas on how to
fix this?

The second problem is that my bibliography is getting numbered as if
it's part of the last appendix (it comes after the last appendix).  I'm
not even quite sure what the best way to fix this is... should a
bibliography come before appendices? (I don't think so since the thesis
layout instructions imply not and because I refer to stuff in the
bibliography in my appendices).  Maybe I should start numbering again? 
Or possibly just ditch numbering all together?  (After all, LaTeX
doesn't seem to include the bibliography in the TOC for some reason...) 
Any/all suggestions welcome. :)

> As Adrian Blockley pointed out a line break (\\) will do the job ...
> but if you don't want that line break to appear in your Table of
> Contents, use the optional argument e.g.
> \section[A long header with no line break]{A long header with\\a line break}

Ok, thanks... only problem with this is I'm using LyX so I'm not sure
exactly how to get around it.

Thanks again for all the help,


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