[plug] a file without a name

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Thu Oct 14 09:48:53 WST 1999

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Tamara Thompson wrote:

> Anybody know how to find out what a file is named if in ls it shows up with all data except the filename?  
> ls -b   shows it as being named \177, but I can't find out anything more about the file with cat, or more, or vi.  Also 'file *' shows this file as the last entry in the list, with a : and no further data.

You should be able to run a command like
cd <DIR in Question> ; find . -maxdepth 1 -exec <COMMAND> {}\;

This will execute <COMMAND> on every file in the directory

if you want you can make commadn "file", "ls -lsi" or "/bin/rm -f"

Yours Tony.

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