[plug] Outlook

Matt Bruce Matt.Bruce at alphawest.com.au
Thu Oct 14 14:04:17 WST 1999


Unfortunately there's no "Outlook for Linux", which is a pain for your
situation, but there are a few options open to you:

1. You could get your company to install/configure Outlook Web Access, 
   which will enable users to go to a specified URL, say 
   http://www.power.net.au/olwa/, enter in the relevant information 
   in the resulting username and password prompt, then be presented 
   with a HTML/Java version of the Outlook client via your web 
   browser -- complete with Inbox, Folders, Tasks, Calendar, etc.

2. Forget about non-email stuff, and just use an IMAP-aware mail 
   client (such as Pine or Balsa, I believe).

3. Again, forget about non-email stuff, get your company sysadmin 
   to install the POP3 support into Exchange, and use a POP3-aware 
   mail client (just about any mail client ever made).

4. Get your company to spend umpteen thousands on a Citrix MetaFrame 
   solution and a VPN and/or RAS solution, install the ICA Client on 
   your PC and connect to the MetaFrame server and have complete 
   network access and remote display/control.

5. Install VNC on your work PC or an Internet-live server in your 
   network, and connect to it with the VNC Client. There are SSH- 
   and SSL-aware versions of VNC available. I use it under certain 
   (secure) situations, and it serves its purpose perfectly.

6. Drop a server-based Rules Wizard/Inbox Assistant entry in your 
   Outlook client to send a copy of any incoming email to another 
   email address (private ISP, Hotmail, whatever), then you can 
   retrieve your email that way.

7. Drive to work or wait until work on Monday and save everybody a 
   lot of hassle. ;)

Bear in mind the above points don't consider security, firewalling or
masquerading/NAT issues. As I've no idea of your network topology, the above
is just a bunch of ideas that may or may not apply (or be advisable) in your
situation. I access mine using one or more of the above, depending on whom
I'm dialled into.

HTH, :)

Matt Bruce  <matt.bruce at alphawest.com.au>
Internet & Security Engineer
AlphaWest - http://www.alphawest.com.au/
"Alwiyht...rho sritched mg kegtops awound??"

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christopher Darby [mailto:chrisd at power.net.au]
>Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 1:46 PM
>does anyone know of anything on linux that will allow me to 
>connect to a microsoft exchange server (calender and mail) as i 
>would like to switch my system to linux but the company uses 
>outlook so i am currently stuck......any suggestions

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