[plug] Xwindows config problem

Chris Griffin chrisg at doladns.dola.wa.gov.au
Fri Oct 15 14:28:01 WST 1999

I have an old Osborne P90 I have just installed RH6.0 onto to set it up as 
our secondary DNS (and a few other things).
It has an onboard, Matrox, video controller which is faulty, has been 
disabled and a Diamond Stealth 64 card installed.
Trouble is when RH6.0 gets to the point of trying to configure XWindows, it 
keeps finding the Matrox card and NOT the Diamond. It does not do this with 
RH 5.2 and I have re-checked the jumpers to ensure it is disabled.
Any ideas how I can get around this?


                               \\  - -  //
                                (  @ @  )
| Chris Griffin, Senior Network Engineer                |
| Email: chris.griffin at mitswa.com.au                    |
| Managed Information Technology Solutions (M.I.T.S)    |
| 1st Floor, Batholomew House, 31 Ventnor Avenue,       |
| West Perth W.A. 6005                                  |
| PH: +61 (08) 9481-4066  FAX: +61 (08) 9481-4064       |
I haven't lost my mind -     oooO   (   )
- it's backed up on tape    (   )    ) /
   somewhere.                 \ (    (_/

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