[plug] ipchains

Mike Holland myk at golden.wattle.id.au
Wed Oct 20 19:18:12 WST 1999

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, russ wrote:

> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward contains nothing. So all I need is to
> put a 1 in there and it will work? I suppose there's a flag somewhere
> I need to set to have this done at boot. I'll have another poke

'ip_forward' isnt a real file. It always has zero size, but if you cat it
you'll see a 0 or 1. The /proc 'files' are a direct interface to the
kernel. See proc(5) manpage. Check /etc/sysconfig/network - the startup
scripts will read this.

Mike Holland <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>            Perth, Australia.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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