[plug] Linux training course ... some elaboration
Mark Bolton
bolton at networx.net.au
Thu Oct 21 20:27:28 WST 1999
Dear Christian,
The point i was making was that i was appalled that a course was being run where
students on Austudy were posting enquiries as to the wisdom of digging very deep into
very limited funds to attend a course on Linux basics.
I meant collegial in the fraternal sence and I have no problem with people whose skills
that command high prices getting some recompence for the time and effort they spent
gaining those skills as they pass them over to others.
In fact people donating thier time for no recompence at all , all of the time, will
enevitably degrade the quality of the project as it become subsumed with amatuerism .
There is an equal danger however in a Free Software project suddenly having to show pay
dirt ( the Golden Aeroplane reference) to share holders and carpet baggers.
I was wrong and do apologise for pitching my little bucket at you , it was unfair and
ill informed of me , i should have made myself a little better apraised of what was
actually on offer and your part in the picture .
What if find quaintly amusing is the zealotry of the linux fraternity and it's
sniggering at microsoft as being an " in group" shiboleth , wher i do arc up is when
this "in groupery" becoming a vehicle for questionable merchandizing at the newbie level
If there were forinstance a "slab of beer " fee for unwaged and students I would have no
problem with the whole concept. I would suggest however that unwaged and students
newbies are already quite happy with thier own resources.
Regards Mark
Christian wrote:
> Mark Bolton wrote:
> >
> > Well Christian,
> >
> > funny you should ask ... we have a setup here, at my colledge where we .. workshop
> > on a subject.. what ever is burning a hole in a persons " catch this!... cache "
> > .. . ... U gotta bring yer own beer ... the guys all pitch in ....
> Ummm... I didn't ask anything.
> > Now Linux being all ... collegial and idealistic as they claim to be till - this
> > Utopian Boffin's Egg timer goes off ... want a hundred smackers to show U how to
> > do a simple install .. But it seems Linux Boffs are a self apointed aristocracy
> > .... want to sit at the feet of the oracle ..draw aside the veil ?
> Linux being "collegial and idealistic"? Well... if you mean "collegial"
> as in relating to colleges then I don't see anything more than a
> coincidental connection. (Yes, I am trying to seriously make sense of
> this message - maybe that's a mistake.) If you mean "collegial" as in
> pertaining to colleagues and you're suggesting we should idealistically
> be helping each other for free then I mostly agree with you - and even
> better, we _are_ helping each other for no fee. That's what this list
> is about (mostly). It's also what numerous Linux-related IRC channels
> and web pages are about. I've been helping people for free on IRC for 3
> years now and I know people who've been doing it even longer. I've
> never seen invoices flying about on #linux yet.
> Now I'm not a boffin on Utopia like yourself but you seem very confused
> about some things entirely unconnected with Utopia that have been
> mentioned recently. Firstly, the "hundred smackers" this course costs
> are not to do a "simple install". It's an install and then what sounds
> like a fairly comprehensive introduction to managing the newly installed
> system. BTW, I have absolutely nothing to do with the running of this
> course - I haven't been at all involved in organising it, I won't be
> tutoring in it and thus I'd quite surprised if any of the proceeds for
> it somehow turned up in my possession.
> The "Linux Boffs" are not a "self appointed aristocracy". People with
> expertise are offering a service they think people would like and they
> are charging money for it - rather common in this society I believe! If
> you have a problem with this arrangement there are societies where
> things are a little different.
> > possibly some kinda Golden Aeroplane ... ?
> Possibly. But since I don't have a clue what you're going on about now
> I can't comment further.
> > Any U guys Buy stocks in Red Hat ?
> I didn't. But I don't see that there would be a problem if I had. If
> it's a choice between little Red Hat's and little red books then I know
> what I would choose. If you think there is some philosophical problem
> with making money from Free software then perhaps you should read:
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html
> Regards,
> Christian.
> --
> Grief can take care of itself; but to get the full value of a joy
> you must have somebody to divide it with.
> - Mark Twain
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