[plug] Nat32 (Linux Version)

David Lloyd lloy0076 at senet.com.au
Fri Sep 3 10:43:26 WST 1999

Kevin S:

> Run NAT32 on your Office machine and then dial in from home to access the
> Internet.

That is essentially what we want to do.It's for an ISP who will not have
more than 20 relatively permanently connected clients. We working for
the client have managed to convince the client that NT simply sucks, but
the more senior network programmer doesn't quite feel comfortable with
linux IPChains, Masquerading and such yet. Nor, for that matter, does
the client and unfortunately Linux (whatever version) isn't quite
compatible enough for some of the software the client uses and they
figure they've got an NT machine (at least one) so why not use it?

<shrug...I've bitten the hand that feeds me enough....linux has managed
to creep into the dialin process>

> No more busy tones, poor throughput or monthly ISP charges!
> and wondered if your office really wants to support your internet access at
> their cost.

At the offices cost? NOT LIKELY. The linux dial-in will have all sorts
of bells and whistles to make sure that those using the service are
actually them (CHAP, PAP and other authentication protocols) and they
have actually PAID up. The client already has the necessary authorities
and such running on a Java Virtual Machine to extract credit card
payments and such so I see no problem there.

Again, that's the senior programmer's domain. My job is simply to
somehow work out how to get them connected successfully. It doesn't
sound too difficult - except for this Nat32 hurdle.

http://users.senet.com.au/~lloy0076/index.html (personal home page)
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