[plug] Partition sizes on a new install

SweenyTod sweenytod at sweenytod.com
Wed Aug 2 10:45:12 WST 2000

At 09:12 AM 2/08/2000, you wrote:
>Hi all
>Quick question for you all.  I am setting up a Linux Dual boot machine
>for a friend.  I thought that I would get your ideas on approximate
>percentages/sizes for the various partitions.
>Given that this is going to be a typical RH 6.1 desktop machine (with
>KDE) on it's own 10GB HDD, what sizes should the partitions be?  And
>yes, Lilo is necessary.
>All information gratefully appreciated, along with any caveats.

This is what I did a few weeks ago.  My first linux install, I only made 
two partitions, / and /usr.  This was a biiiigg mistake, 'cause now my / 
partition is amost full, and I'm constantly monitoring it to delete 
unneeded stuff.

My latest one gave 100 (or 150 - i forget exactly) meg to /, the same to a 
seperate /var, 1 gig to /home (I'm basically the only shell user, so that 
should be ok) and the rest to /usr.

/var from what my newbie brain can tell seems to be a dumping ground for 
all sorts of stuff.  There are mail queues, log files which can get pretty 
big if you don't watch it, and I even found all my mysql databases in there 
too.  So I guess you need to expand it depending on what you're gonna be doing.

Oh yeah - the box has 64meg of ram, so I think I gave it about the same 
size swap too.


Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.    His skin was pale and his eye was odd.
Always trust an Australian with a razor.

http://www.sweenytod.com               Paranoid is normal, normal is good

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