[plug] distros (again)!

The Thought Assassin assassin at live.wasp.net.au
Wed Dec 6 14:08:18 WST 2000

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Christian wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:54:26PM +0800, Sol Hanna wrote:
> > 	If I have a complaint it is that many of the programs (Star Office 5.2
> > and Netscape especially) seem to boot and sometimes run slower than I
> > expected on my AMD Athlon 800.
> It's probably more to do with the fact that those programs are both
> incredibly slow and bloated and will run like that on most any machine.
Aren't you glad they are now open-sourced and on the road to recovery?

> I can't think of any configuration tweak that would significantly improve
> their performance.
Unless perhaps your system is not finding all of your RAM. Run meminfo and
see if it agrees with you.


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