[plug] Sendmail

Robert Andrews squirrel at emerge.net.au
Wed Dec 20 11:50:42 WST 2000

Thanks for that ill go look

-----Original Message-----
From:	Mark Gaynor [SMTP:markjgaynor at yahoo.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, December 20, 2000 5:52 AM
To:	plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject:	Re: [plug] Sendmail

--- Robert Andrews <squirrel at emerge.net.au> wrote:
> Im trying to setup sendmail 

What distro are you using ....

> It does not seem to recognize any local users 
> is there supposed to be a user database of some sort if so how do I
> initilise this
> i.e mail -v jacky
> Returns : jacky... Host unknown (Name server: host not
> found)
>               root... aliased to squirrel
>               /root/dead.letter... Saved message in /root/dead.letter
> I did give up on sendmail once before and installed postfix but I
> would like to at least get sendmail to work
> just once.

You could try www.sendmail.org they have a some great documentation for
sendmail and FAQ's 'nd stuff. I have found the site very helpful in the



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