[plug] odd/interesting Unix admin job in Melbourne

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Thu Dec 21 12:06:11 WST 2000

If anyone's interested in this, Email Chris direct.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Do you know anyone who fits this description looking for a job
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:02:51 +0800
From: "Chris Bound" <chris.bound at cableandtelecoms.com.au>

Location is Melbourne but relocation is possible.
We have one person coming from the UK.

--Australian Network Systems Employee

Here's a general specification of the person(s)
that we are looking for:

Individuals should either have a UNIX support
background preferably
Solaris, Internet and Java or a networking
background to Cisco CCNA
equivalent standard. The nCUBE video server has a
UNIX-like operating
system called 'Transit' derived from the academic
releases of UNIX as far
back as 1970. The two skill sets are required
because the video server is
optimised for delivering a video stream over a
network. It is absolutely
critical that the configuration of this device is
correct otherwise video
blocking caused by data loss can result. It can
look as if there's packet
loss within the network when this happens. During
the video server set-up
and network integration, the network strong
individual often has to advise
the network operator of the best network
configuration for video streaming.
The UNIX strong individual has to ensure that the
Java-based application
and database servers on the Sun workstations is
functioning correctly.
These two individuals should have a strong
development bias. Once the
Service is running more support people are
required to work under these two

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