[plug] Fast net access via Linux server question

Paul Wilson hooker at opera.iinet.net.au
Tue Feb 8 16:24:56 WST 2000

> Colin Rothnie wrote:
> > My advice is to try the modem option first (even up to 20 or more PCs)
> > then increase bandwidth when the need is demonstrated.  You should keep
> > mind that people tend to use the Internet far more after they are first
> > connected than in the longer term (ie. after a few weeks).  It is also
> > important that new users recognise that the "wait" in "World Wide Wait"
> > only partially due to the bandwidth you have to your ISP.  Even with a
> > fat pipe to the Internet, most international web sites are only
> > faster to display than over a modem (in my opinion anyway).
> I have to agree here.  Although I don't have any hard facts to refer to,
> unlike Colin, I would be pretty confident that you can accommodate 8-10
> or so client machines over a 56K modem with a reasonable degree of
> comfort.  Also, having recently gone from a 56K modem shared connection
> to a 2Mbit connection, the difference in speed in a lot of situations is
> not as noticeable as you would expect.

I've met this problem before (quite a lot of the time in fact).  This
particular client has a smallish number of Asian sites in mind for regular
access - apparently they're updated several times a day which means that
SQUID would be useful for the graphics and the frippery, but not so much for
content.  My assessment of the net has always been that delays are
inevitable, unpredictable and rarely fixed by throwing bandwidth at the
local end.

However, the client *is* asking reasonable questions, and wants a list of
options including prices (DDS pricing for BigPond is frightening !).  My
suggestion is likely to reflect Colin's comment above - start with a single
modem with options for ISDN (OK, 'onramp') if they really need more
bandwidth.  Proving the need is difficult though, and realistically they're
likely to jump to at least 128k fairly soon after installation because
they're "sure" it will make a difference -- and it will at times.


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