[plug] PPP on demand

Christian christian at global.net.au
Thu Feb 10 14:34:23 WST 2000

Peter Wright wrote:
> Perhaps this situation could be avoided to some degree by running a
> domain namer server on the server machine....?

It may help some of the time... but other times it won't help at all
since BIND would just then helpfully try and resolve the address [1]
which would still cause the link to be brought up. :)

> Well, I suspect the only time that a non-localnet DNS query would get
> send out would be when a connection to the net _is_ wanted.
> Hmmm, though knowing Windows machines, I suspect that last sentence
> could be horribly incorrect.

I've heard people mention it as a problem... there are all sorts of
things that can trigger a DNS lookup (eg, does ICQ et al. try to connect
to the server on boot?  If so, every time you (re)boot a Windows machine
then you'll find it trying to dialup your modem connection.  I'm sure
there are *plenty* of other examples both on Linux and Windows...)



[1] You'd probably run it as a forward-only nameserver in which case it
would behave almost identically to the normal resolver routines in the
application programs with the added advantage of a network-wide cache.

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