Why I use Debian. Was Re: [plug] Mandrake - printing

Greg Mildenhall greg at networx.net.au
Wed Feb 23 10:52:04 WST 2000

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Barbara Robson wrote:
> > > How difficult would it be to script a cronned shell script using rpm and
> > > wget to interrogate RH mirrors for upgrades anyway?
> > Would this script of yours also determine the new dependencies of the
> > packages it was about to install and also fetch these (and their
> > subsequent cascading dependencies?).  
> rpmfind doesn't do a bad job of that.  No, it's not as good as apt,
> but it's there.

At least initially rpmfind was meant only to be very good at finding RPMs
online, not dealing with "subsequent cascading dependencies". Has this
changed, or are people just missing the point of APT?


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