Why I use Debian. Was Re: [plug] Mandrake - printing

Barbara Robson robson at cwr.uwa.edu.au
Wed Feb 23 10:49:13 WST 2000

> At least initially rpmfind was meant only to be very good at finding RPMs
> online, not dealing with "subsequent cascading dependencies". Has this
> changed, or are people just missing the point of APT?

I've only used it a few times and am not quite sure what it does and
doesn't do, however rpmfind does seem to find not only the rpm
package specified, but also any dependencies that aren't installed.
Whether it can deal with cascading dependencies beyond the first
level, I have no idea -- I guess I had assumed that it did, as I am
more used to Debian's approach and I haven't had any dependency 
problems using rpmfind yet (except insofar as it doesn't even attempt 
to deal with conflicting packages).

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